While I am waiting for my images on from Jeremy's camera to arrive (Thank you Jeremy for letting me use your camera!), I decided to upload some just for fun shots from the shoot.
Lighting the studio. (fl 18mm, f4, exposure time 1.5 seconds handheld, ISO 100)
Instructor Kent Miller (fl 70 mm, f4, 1/30 handheld, ISO 400)
Setting up lighting (fl 70 mm, f4, 1/60, ISO 400)
(fl 70 mm, f4, 1/4 sec, ISO 400)
Yes, I know it is blurry. I think it adds to the mood.
Remember, this is just for fun while I am waiting for my pictures.
(fl 260 mm, f 5.6, 0.5 sec, ISO 100)
I shoot with a Pentax K10D. I learned that you can't shoot on the manual setting if you are syncing to strobes. My camera actually has a red x that is for sync. Justin was kind enough to let me use his camera to shoot my portraits. When class was basically over, I remembered that my old Pentax K1000 had a red x next to 60 for shutter speed that had to be used when I was attaching a flash. I decided to see if my camera would sync with the red x setting and this is what I got. The next two images are not my subject. I was doing a quick camera check and had to give back the sync cable.
fl 70 mm, f11, 1/180, ISO 100 (note: 1/180 is the fastest shutter speed my camera will allow with a sync)
Same settings as above I just moved further from the subject.
These are my subject. I held up the class to quickly take these with my camera. I never did get the settings right or the framing. These were taken while I still trying to figure out the settings. My other ones will be better when I get them. This was more about me learning to use my camera sync.
(fl 70 mm, f16, 1/180, ISO 100)
We went over a lot of information about studio lighting. I am excited to try more. I have been depending on slaves to use strobes since I switched to digital. It will be nice to sync. I also want to try some end of curtain shooting that we talked about in class. I don't think my camera will let me do it synced though.
Kathleen these photos you did of me are so fun and colorful! I'm totally using them for my facebook. :)