random pictures

These are random pictures I have taken.
"School's Out" 2010

"toad stool" 2010

"My Family Tree" font: beatnickhayseed 2010

"Dragonfly"  2010 macro

"male figure" 2009 
Art 340 assignment: something that makes you uncomfortable.

"Eye Contact" 2008 
For Art 240 at CMU photographed with a 4x5 camera, printed as a silver print, and scanned for this digital version. My first real attempt at studio lighting.

"Fireworks Kiss" 2009 A long exposure on a tripod, plus flash to light the people.

"a rock climbing moment" 2010

"Brian" my husband, 2008. For a portrait assignment from JRN 220.

"by candle light" 2008 
For Art 240 at MMCC, black and white film, silver print, scanned. 
The lighting on this was the candle and a turtle light propped up to one side. 
I used a tripod and a long exposure with a "don't move" added in.

"museum visit"  2010
Done with no flash and a son that is use to strange requests after 21 years.